Sunday 4 December 2011

who are you?

Each one of us has our own stories. Some stories might be the same, but some are not.

Some people are just different from us. But it doesn't give you the right to stare right to their eyes. Watching each inch of their body, and making them feel small. Who says you need to feel all sympathy? Their life is amazing, too. It's only you that doesn't understand, thus making it hard for them.

so you think you're way better than them to look at them that way? Who are you?

Who are you, in front of Allah, to think that you're better?

Sometimes it's just our habit. Or maybe it's in human's blood to discriminate. isolate.

But let's start a new day tomorrow, and start to at least, smile at them. Perhaps one day you would understand, how wonderful their life is.

p/s: i was one of you. But now, I'm trying to be different. Acceptance is, of course, zillion times better than sympathy. or pretend-sympathy.

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