I felt very frustrated with myself. Very.
Today afternoon, I went to my Physics class.... late. It was 10 minutes late to be precise. Yes, I might feel very embarassed towards my friends. But my dissapoinment towards myself is even stronger. Didn't I just vowed to never be late, to be really punctual, like a real Muslim should this semester?
Yes, my discipline record maybe wasn't too clean but yes, I want to change, to become a better person. Yet this time I failed..
I know I was feeling quite sick nowadays. I'm used to sinusitis, but sometimes it seems to become more severe as I grow up. And sometimes I was just too tired to cope with it. And normally I decide to sleep and forget everything.
There's so many things I wanted to do, I needed to do, but I ended up wanting to sleep most badly. I hate myself sometimes, for this. I'm starting to use sickness as an excuse to become lazy. Whereas I know, in this world, there are people more unfortunate than me, sicker than me, but they still work hard. I felt like banging my head on the door. I don't want to become lazy, yet I felt too tired.
But I realise that I have to fight.
I was ten minutes late. I went to the class with a red face, too embarassed to even say out simple words of apology towards my lecturer. I was really sorry, didn't meant to become rude.. But I couldn't even see straight towards her eyes..
And also, because I was panic that I was late, my heart was pumping crazily that I couldn't even focus to what she was teaching. Which page, which topic, yes I was left behind. And when I found the topic, I still felt very lost.
I felt so frustrated with myself, that I almost cried in the class. When the lecture was over, I zoomed back to my room. Can't even face my friends.
I don't want this to happen anymore.. Why am I so weak? I'm freaking myself. Allah, please forgive me..
please make me strong..
I don't feel like sleeping anymore. Not tonight.
...mungkin hari ini aku tersadung, tapi esok, mungkin lebih baik :)
susah kan? :(
Sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan mengubah nasib sesuatu kaum sebelum kaum itu sendiri mengubahnya.
Ar-Ra'd : 11
-even Allah kata Dy xkn membebankan sseorg melebihi apa yg trmampu, namun dlm ayat surah yg sama, Allah tetap suruh kita berdoa
"... ya tuhan kami jangan lah kau memikulkan pd kami ap yg x tertanggung oleh kami..."
maknany memang tiap ujian itu, adalah yg kita mampu tanggung, tp berat dan ringannya, kita boleh minta pd Allah.. minta lah pd Allah.. kuatkn smngt ya sahabat, Fabasshirissobirin..(dan sampaiknlah khabar gembira pd org2 yg bersabar)..
-truskan brusaha, sama2 kita brusaha<3
terima kasih amal.. atas ingatan :)
terima kasih Allah.. for giving me a friend who reminds me about Him.
dan hari ini saya lupa semua masalah. dan hari ini saya mampu senyum gumbira.
ape2pun jd, saya ada Allah, dan Dia bagi saya awak :)
subhanallahi wa bihamdihi, subhanAllahil 'adziim..:) sayang awk <3 hehe
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