Friday 28 March 2014

The best of all

Dan siapakah yg lebih baik perkataannya drpd org yg menyeru kpd Allah dan mengerjakan kebajikan dan berkata, "sungguh, aku termasuk org2 Muslim(yg berserah diri)?"
Surah Fussilat, 41:2

But why is it so hard for me?
This, require so much courage
And I have too much flaws
To be a better person takes time
But to share and invite people to something true, real, and good
Which is the Deen of Allah
Is something strange and difficult nowadays, aite?

But if it's for Allah
If it's really for Him
Then it would be worth it

Because after all, that's the real reason you are created for, right?
And that should be the biggest aim
But people forgot
All the temporary riches of this world, made us blind
And we are most fortunate to realise this earlier
There's so many people out there who lived, then die without knowing why they lived.

I used to wonder
Everyone, must have wondered,
If our live is just a cycle
Of birth-study-work-family then die
Then. What change did u make to the world? Why would He even create you? If just to add more population to the world?
To make it worse,what if it's a population which brings more destruction to the world, like hedonism, gangsterism, dictator, unjustice and all?

We know it's happening. So many scary things happening around us. You read the papers and end up feeling like throwing up.

So maybe, we'll say we're the good ones. We didn't do anything wrong, harmful. But then again,the future wouldn't just go bleak if we did bad things. It would go bleak too, if we did nothing. If we didn't prepare ourselves. If we didn't invite more people to submit in this Deen.  really practice Islam. Really do everything to please Allah. In every step..

And if we fall, in our steps, remember that He's watching over us.  He would test us all the way. But that's where we'll get our strength.

Because the future doesn't just lie in 10-20 years more than now. It's more than getting a degree. The real graduation day, is the day of judgement.

And we should start now. Who promised us tomorrow?

Begin, with knowing Allah first.
begin, by reading the Quran, recite then read the translation in our own language.
Then, InshaaAllah He'll show the steps. Take one step, and wallahi, He'll ease Your way.

He's waiting so long. For us to come back to Him. For us to feel His presence. For us to reflect why we're here.

Kalau kita cuma hidup, makan, tidur,
Haiwan pun begitu
Kita dicipta istimewa
Haruslah ada kenapa

Alhamdulillah atas nikmat Iman dan Islam
Moga hati yang sekeping ini
Allah pandang dan tolong bersihkan
Sebelum hari pengakhiran

Kau dan aku cuma ada satu hati
Kita isi dengan apa?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

jawapan soalan itu ada dlm al-quran..
"aku tidak menjadikan jin dan manusia itu selain untuk beribadah kepada ku" QS 52:56

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