Monday 25 June 2018

Till we meet again, R

"Fatin tinggal kat mana?"
"Nanti aku sambung kat *****"

"Dalam kalangan korang, siapa yang boleh bawa kereta?"

It seems so simple. Yet it brought me to wear my (sheepish) smile.
Because the hidden meaning was,
"let's meet up later, once you are back home"


This words, coming from quite an antisocial girl few years back.. Who, along the way, had turned out to be a friend.

Dear R,
You will be heading on another, perhaps a very different journey. May you be given strength to endure all the challenges. And all those times spent here, is not really a waste, when you have chosen to grow up through it with courage. Know that, what others think doesn't matter anymore---if you are clear of your path. May Allah bless you always and keep you in His guidance, that's the utmost important.

Forgive me, your quite annoying makcik-y friend. For all those small quarrels, nosyness and naughty banters. If you get hurt in any way, please don't keep it in your heart.. I'm sorry. Let's make it up over two bowls of cendol pulut later, kay?

With love, FS.

P/s : or perhaps 3 bowls of cendols because makcik AC was the one who cried fat tears when you left. And she annoyed you more than i did all these time, didn't she? Hehe 😆


R said...

I will hold you on that cendol ��

fatinsyahirahzainy said...

Bhahaha alrightyy inshaaAllah. I told AC to remind me

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