Sunday 11 November 2018

Finding ways

It had been a roller coaster ride, i s'pose.

Sometimes i do feel like there's no way out.

Sometimes i do think that things are just going downwards, period.

But, no.. Maybe, it was just our limited field of vision.

O My servants who have believed, indeed My earth is spacious, so worship only Me. (al-ankabut : 56)

This ayat was sent down when the sahabi was being oppressed for embracing islam. The torture was too much, until they become restricted to perform their ibadah to Allah. Some of them were locked up, they couldn't attend the meetings with Rasulullah to further understand the quran. They were unhappy, really unhappy, with this condition.

Then, Allah consoled them and opened up their horizons with this ayat. His earth is spacious, there must be a way out. There must be a solution for that situation. The solution was hijrah, which is to migrate to another place where they could freely embrace islam and fully become His practicing servant.

His earth is spacious. It is His earth after all, He would give ways for His servants.

For me, maybe it wouldn't be literally migrating. I would still be here. Only that, i wouldn't anymore succumb to regressive condition which will eat me up.

Because i need progress. If i don't, i would die. I would be physically alive, but my soul, my ruh, i would slowly, lose it...

The progress would start with myself; acknowledging there's so much loops in being a better holistic servant of Allah that i need to focus on improving. Identify it, and work on it. Practically. So much, so much to do..

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