Tuesday 12 March 2019

The robe, the scroll and the title

The black robe, the scroll, and the title, are always associated with pride.

But really, if we only realise the reality behind all these, there will only be humility and gratefulness.

Because behind the degree, there's the will of Allah to let it happen despite my flaws. He guides and give me reasons to keep going on. Behind the degree, there are family members who are always supportive in my ups and downs. I believe, even previous doa from mama plays a part in this. Behind the degree, there's selfless friends who always lend helping hands. (i should learn to be more like them)

This is just the beginning. God knows how much fear i have of the future, of the unknown. But I hope with every step, it would be a step of gratefulness and humility, for a bigger dream, to be a servant of Him, to give back to others, and to build a better society.

Do pray for me and remind me when i forget.
Love, irah.

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