Sunday, 12 May 2013

To a better day ahead!

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Oh the moon has come
The day is done
The night has covered up the sun.
I have stood so often before you to pray
But I wonder Allah, tell me, what did I do today?
Did I remember the words of Al-Fatiha?
Did I take time to thank you for all that I have?
Did I call on you to guide my way?
Tell me, what did I do today?

I has whispered to you
As I made ruku
Subhana Rabiy'yal adheem.
But was my faith
Bright or grey?
Oh Allah, tell me, what did I do today?
Did I smile at my brother?
Was I kind to my mother?
Did I teach another something that I know
Or did my love of this world lead me astray?
Tell me, what did I do today?

Sami Allah hu liman hamida
Rabanna lakal hamd.
Sami Allah hu liman hamida
Rabanna lakal hamd.
La illaha il Allah.
La illaha il Allah.

Though I've bowed to you
with my face in the dust,
subhana raby'yal a'la
Did I turn to you
And did I obey?
Oh Allah, tell me, what did I do today?
Did I use my time?
Did I use my mind?
If I search my heart what will I find?
The light of your guidance is a glimmering ray,
Tell me, what did I do toady?
Oh Allah, tell me, what did I do today?
Dawud Wharnsby Ali, What did I do today

This weekend, I just didn't know what I did. It's like everything gone awry. My schedule, my priorities :'(
I'd love to blame it to the KI program ending,  but the real reason might actually lies within myself.

I feel jealous for people who stand with their principle no matter what's the condition. Like a fish which doesn't taste salty although it has been swimming in the salty ocean its' whole life. Like that. Flexible, but within limits. That's my wish. Somehow.

Because sometimes, there are things that I loved doing before this, but somehow nowadays it just feels wrong. And all those instinct, I believed, aren't just to be ignored. The ability to differentiate between good and bad, or even the grey part in between, is of course a nikmat which shouldn't be taken for granted.

Think before action. If everyone is doing a particular thing, doesn't always mean that it is a right thing.
If only a few is doing that, doesn't mean they're wrong.

And tomorrow, let's hope we'll all say this:

like a boss!

Hindi night, Kannada night is something I tried to avoid but my escapisme will hurt my friend who's left to complete the job. but actually i didn't really give too much help but a litte support, and just complain a lot. seriously =.="
but actually it's a matter of me guarding my actions and heart so it wouldn't lead to anything bad.
Most of us, I think, somehow experience this.
Let's pray that Allah make us strong :)

to a beginning of a better day! Smile smile smile or try faking it, dears!

*and for mothers day, I'd love if all the mamas around the world know how much we love them each and every day in our heart, effortlessly.. though somehow some of us might feel shy or perhaps even egoistic to portray it everyday.
Among the people still alive in this dunya, of course to me mama ranks first. Then papa too. Like how much now that my heart's almost broken thinking about this problem, I longed to get back home to the comfort of mama. Just a sight of her smile in the images folder make my eyes lighten. Lighten. Puss-in-the-boots like, or so i hope.
Mama, may Allah bless u in dunya and ukhrawi. May I appreciate you always. During the holidays, I'll try to be the best of me, like an oleya udugi (kannada for good girl).
Let us be oleya udugi, or uduga (for boy) everyone!

 "...Janganlah engkau berkata kepada mereka (sebarang perkataan kasar) sekalipun perkataan ‘Ah!’, dan janganlah engkau menengking menyergah mereka, tetapi katakanlah kepada mereka perkataan yang mulia (yang bersopan santun). Dan hendaklah engkau merendah menghinakan diri kepada keduanya kerana belas kasihan dan kasih sayangmu, dan doakanlah (untuk mereka, dengan berkata): “Wahai Tuhanku! Cucurkanlah rahmat kepada mereka berdua sebagaimana mereka telah mencurahkan kasih sayangnya memelihara dan mendidikku semasa kecil.”
[al-Isra', 17:23-24]

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